全球食品饮料论坛(Global Food and Beverage Forum )10月14至16日在中国海南博鳌举办
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全球食品饮料论坛(Global Food and Beverage Forum )10月14至16日在中国海南博鳌举办

With the theme of "Digital Economy and New Trends in the Food and Beverage Industry", the Global Food and Beverage Forum will leverage the influence of the "Boao Forum for Asia" to build a global exchange platform for the food and beverage industry. By making full use of the policy advantages of Hainan Free Trade Port, and focusing on the entire industrial chain of the food and beverage industry, GFBF will lead the development of the industry, and promote the healthy development of China's food and beverage industry. The forum will strive to operate with global vision and high standard, and aim to make an industry forum with global influence.


全球食品饮料论坛(Global Food and Beverage Forum )10月14至16日在中国海南博鳌举办


据介绍,全球食品饮料论坛议题内容丰富多彩、亮点纷呈,论坛除了主题演讲、发布《中国食品饮料行业最新发展报告》、发布《食品安全博鳌宣言》外,论坛还以“荣光 非遗食品饮料之夜”主题晚会,聚焦全国非遗食品饮料,展示非遗食品饮料的历史文化和传承精神,并在博鳌打造一个永不落幕的非遗食品展; 以“匠心之夜盛典”主题晚会——以初心,致匠心;用坚守,去传承,致敬食品饮料行业工匠精神,全面弘扬 企业家精神,推动食品饮料行业高质量发展。此外,论坛还有“一县一品”主题展、食品行业项目路演及融资对接会、发布“博鳌好物”跨境电商平台、启动博鳌网红直播基地。同时,还设有国潮食品、原材料、生产、流通、消费、大数据、投融资等10个分论坛。旨在以中国食品饮料品牌的文化力量、科技力量、制造力量、有机力量、健康力量,为中国食品饮料行业全球化发展注入新活力。



● Theme: Digital Economy and New Trends in Food and Beverage Industry

● Time: Oct 14th - 16th , 2022’s

● Venue: The international convention center of the Boao forum for Asia, China

● Number of people: about 2,000 people

Highlights of the event

● Keynote speeches by industry leaders, experts and scholars and ten workshops

● 20 well-known Internet celebrity

● Exhibition of high-quality food products

● A global exchange platform for the food and beverage industry

● Professional media platform

Great honor and more of additional value to participate the Forum

● Exposure: Estimated exposure of the Food and Beverage Forum and the two evening parties will be no less than 50 million times; coverage of no less than 0.1 billion people

● Online value: Comprehensive publicity for the branded products in the global event;

●Offline value: Show the development of the food and beverage industry from multiple perspectives, and discuss the new trends in the food and beverage industry.


另悉,论坛由中国食品报社、 中华网、琼海市人民政府主办。全球食品饮料论坛组委会、博鳌全媒体传播中心、中华网海南频道、凤凰网北美频道、琼海市商务局、琼海市会展局、海南中远海运博鳌国际会务有限公司、 海南灵猫传媒有限公司、中国食品报全媒体海南中心、 海南睿宇文化传媒有限公司等承办。