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虽然约翰·威克不是那种你通常认为会在一个安静的空间里,在蜡烛周围徘徊的人,但我们真诚地希望他会用那些蜡烛杀人,因为这是基努·里维斯在《疾速追杀4》第一张主角照片 。

Though John Wick is not the sort of man you usually expect to find hanging around candles in a quiet space, we honestly expect him to be killing people using those very candles, since this is the first image of Keanu Reeves' title character in John Wick: Chapter 4.

第四次威克“郊游”的故事在很大程度上仍然是一个谜——当然,除了标题人物揍了很多人——但伴随着在他被流放和刺客社区对他的悬赏越来越高(以及他被劳伦斯·菲什伯恩的鲍厄里·金拯救)之后, 我们有一种感觉,主要人物将进行一些暴力报复。 或者,正如他所说,“星期四”。

The story for the fourth Wick outing largely remains a mystery – outside of the title character kicking much ass, of course – but following his exile and the price stuck on his head in the assassin community (and his rescue by Laurence Fishburne's Bowery King), we have a feeling the main man will be out for some violent revenge. Or, as he calls it, "Thursday".


John Wick: Chapter 4, or whatever it ends up subtitled, will be in cinemas on 24 March next year.
